You Must Change Your Life (12/10)

Are we not all divine?
Are we not all made for a higher life?
-Mother Theresa

Today is Wednesday, December 10, 2014. We are approaching December 14, 2014 which will be the second anniversary of the massacre of holy innocents at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT. Since that day, more than 20,000 Americans have been killed by guns. If North Korea or ISIS were killing 20,000 Americans we would do something about it. Don’t you think?

It seems that if Americans are doing it with their own guns, we just let it pass by with our indifference.

My hope and prayer is that the parents and relatives of the children and school staff who were killed may be given a proper and private time to mourn on the anniversary of this massacre. I cannot begin to imagine the pain, the agony, the living hell they know every day. Can you?

I dare you to put yourself in their place.

Empathize for just 2-3 minutes.

Suppose it had been your children, your grandchildren. Suppose the principal and teachers were relatives of yours. Empathize.

There is a school bus stop across the street from our home. Three school buses come every day – elementary, middle, and high school.

Listen to the below to remember, to give thanks for brave teachers, to pray for some mental health initiatives and some gun safety measures. For the sake of those killed and for their families let us dare to remember, to empathize, to care, and to act.

“I came that you might have life and have it abundantly” [John 10:10]

Justice, peace and equality for all.

We are all sparks of the Divine flame
Blessed Be
Compassionate Be
Boldly Be