Prayers For All Military Families

Good Morning!

Prayers for all military families. One percent of our population does all the fighting and dying to keep us alive and free. We owe them a debt beyond our ability to repay.

“These are historic situations in which refusal to defend the inheritance of a civilization, however imperfect, against tyranny and aggression may result in consequences even worse than war.”
-Reinhold Niebuhr

Many of you may have read this from The Atlantic: What ISIS Really Wants.

Music for your time of prayer, contemplation and reflection

Let your heart take courage,


The Secret To Dying Well (1/24/15)

Good Morning Celebrants of Life on the Soul Nugget List!

Charlie Bower is 72 years old and has been suffering from ALS. He wrote his last blog – One Day At A Time – Jan 23, 2015. I met Charlie at a retreat at the Shalom Mountain Retreat and Study Center maybe 30 years ago. There is much that we can learn from Charlie. It is an honor to be sharing his life wisdom with you. I feel that there is some sacred, soul full, about reading his words at this time. There will come a time for each one of us when we shall be writing our last words. Between now and then, how shall we live?

“The constant and relentless journey I am experiencing with ALS continues unabated and the will to live continues to be squeezed from my body. I sleep more, eat less – it seems to be just part of the shutting down process. Life is lived one day at a time as I await the bolt from the blue. Unlike many people who have ALS my voice works. When my voice goes, I will also lose much of my ability to swallow and I will no longer be able to use my cough assist. I really don’t know how much longer I will live but I do believe that I will know when to cry uncle and to release my grip on life. My hope is that I will have the courage to do the unthinkable. I do not report on my conditions so that you may pity me but to give you some perspective from this side of the fence. It is also my way to encourage you to live as fully as you can while you can.

When I came into the world in 1942 the world was at war and from then until now it continues. If you look at all of the segments of our culture politics, education, healthcare, financial they are all cards in the house of cards. Sometimes in conversation with my friends we try to imagine what the world will be like in 40 or 50 years – there’s just so many unknowns.

My hope for a positive future is that enough people will develop an attitude of gratitude. That awareness on a personal level will become more important than hockey or The Big Bang Theory. Starting at an early age mindfulness will be as important as arithmetic. This will only happen to one intrinsically motivated person at a time but at some point the hundredth monkey concept will kick in, a tipping point will be reached, the paradigm will shift. With mindfulness it’s possible things could be seen in a much clearer light, using the prism of understanding, open-mindedness and love. Imagine what this will do for all the important decisions that must be made for our planet and at a personal level.  A mindfull consciousness would displace the low-energy victim states of anger, guilt, resentment with higher energy states of acceptance, enjoyment and enthusiasm. I can write page after page of the fears I have for our planet but I do have a strong belief in human resilience. I believe if the world is to change course the web will allow people to be connected everywhere all the time and at some point perhaps 50 or 200 years from now there will be a tipping point. It’s also possible that humans are nothing more than a disease on our planet and the planet will find a way to cure itself, getting rid of the human bacteria.

Enough about me what about you – are you living life in the shadows somewhat seduced by comfort? Are you experiencing enough love and belonging, personal power, freedom and fun? It’s been said something to the effect that “you only live once but if you live right once is enough” and I guess that’s the fundamental question of life.  What does it mean to live right?  Of course this is a personal question but whatever that is for you I would encourage you to pick up your fiddle and move in the direction of what scares you. The worst thing that could happen is that you will die but at least you will die living.

I met Hallie in 1984 at my first shalom retreat. I’ve never laid eyes on her since. I am not much of a Facebook user but every once in a while something comes into my in box and today it was from Hallie. I opened it and read the following quote:

“Is there anything that you want to do with your life you’re not doing? Do you wish you had more meaning in your life or are you full up? Is it something you want to “Be”? Do you want more love and belonging, power, freedom or fun? What in the hell are you waiting for? The secret to dying well is living well – whatever that is for you simply become fierce about your life and do it before it is too late.”

This sums up the essence of what I was trying to say with all my blog posts and undoubtedly  these actions would lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. When your time comes to die you could smile and say what a trip, knowing that you attempted every day to play your music. Whoever and wherever you are  thanks for being part of my life. To everything there is a season……”

Spirit Of Life (12/20)

About the word “friends” – My friend, Sylvia, has written me asking for prayers for her friend who is in the midst of a lung transplant with rejection issues. They met in boarding school in 1968 and all these years later, friends are gathered around to be with her and support her. One friend even quit her job to devote care and attention. The swelling up of a loving community manifesting is miraculous. These are “holy” moments of real life.

The words below come from good friends, Marv and Nancy Hiles, to whom we also send love and good energy today. May you read this prayerfully, slowly and aloud to yourself.

“To live ‘holy’ is not a reach beyond the natural to some ‘otherness’, but to penetrate deeply into the ‘thisness’ of hours, days and seasons. To experience God, as much as that is possible, is to plunge into life itself. When we do, light shines even from the dark side.”

Let the music flow through you – opening you to life and compassion for all.

To worship rightly is to love each other, each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer.

Live passionately with compassion for all.

We are all sparks of the Divine flame
Blessed Be
Compassionate Be
Boldly Be

Thanksgiving and Christmas (12/14)

I am reflecting on the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas – two huge holidays with lots of family connections. For me, Thanksgiving was always at my Grandmother’s house, and I experienced it as a time of gratitude for all that had come before. What are your Thanksgiving memories?

My father died on Nov. 9, 2001 and my Mother died a month and a few weeks later on Christmas eve, Dec. 24, 2001. I wonder if I ever adequately expressed my thanksgiving for the gift of life which they gave me. My younger brother, Richard, died on Feb. 14, 2012 – death by suicide. I am grateful too for his life.

And then there is Hannukah – Christmas – New Year – which in my mind is to not look backward like Thanksgiving, but to move forward into the new and the unknown. Behold, something new is coming to us, calling us to look forward, to be conscious of our life and the new ways that it is unfolding even when we are in our 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s – even 100s!!! This is fresh, new, exciting. Creation continues. Even in our death something new is coming.

Creation continues as God, the absolute, the course, the ground of our being, is always with and within us – The Eternal Now. Yes, this time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is quite mysterious and sacred. Makes me think of this great prayer by Dag Hammarskjold:

For everything that has been – Thank you!
For everything that will be – Yes!

I invite you to ponder your experiences with Thanksgiving and Christmas and your family connections. Consider all that you are grateful for – beginning with your birth and going forward into the New Year 2015. Ponder all the new life that may be breaking forth within you in these holy days coming up and in the new year.

Like Mary, can we be open, receptive, ready to welcome the new life that is coming to each one of us? Where will we shout our “YES” to life? You might ponder your mission in life now … how can you love and serve others? Where will you hurl the moral ounces of your being?

“When we come to know our inner God, which is our true Self, we will know that the divine is in everybody.”
-Howard Murphet

With you in awakening to who God is in us and to who we are in God.

We are all sparks of the Divine flame
Blessed Be
Compassionate Be
Boldly Be

You Must Change Your Life (12/10)

Are we not all divine?
Are we not all made for a higher life?
-Mother Theresa

Today is Wednesday, December 10, 2014. We are approaching December 14, 2014 which will be the second anniversary of the massacre of holy innocents at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT. Since that day, more than 20,000 Americans have been killed by guns. If North Korea or ISIS were killing 20,000 Americans we would do something about it. Don’t you think?

It seems that if Americans are doing it with their own guns, we just let it pass by with our indifference.

My hope and prayer is that the parents and relatives of the children and school staff who were killed may be given a proper and private time to mourn on the anniversary of this massacre. I cannot begin to imagine the pain, the agony, the living hell they know every day. Can you?

I dare you to put yourself in their place.

Empathize for just 2-3 minutes.

Suppose it had been your children, your grandchildren. Suppose the principal and teachers were relatives of yours. Empathize.

There is a school bus stop across the street from our home. Three school buses come every day – elementary, middle, and high school.

Listen to the below to remember, to give thanks for brave teachers, to pray for some mental health initiatives and some gun safety measures. For the sake of those killed and for their families let us dare to remember, to empathize, to care, and to act.

“I came that you might have life and have it abundantly” [John 10:10]

Justice, peace and equality for all.

We are all sparks of the Divine flame
Blessed Be
Compassionate Be
Boldly Be

Thankful For Your Being (11/24)

Thanksgiving Week – Note how often you say “Thank You” today.

“I think the dying  pray at the last not “please”, but “thank you”, as a guest thanks his host at the door.”
-Annie Dillard

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is Thank You, it will be enough.”
-Meister Eckhart

Please give your open hearted attention to the following:

“So it was you all along.
Everyone I ever loved, it was you.
Everyone who ever loved me, it was you.”
-C.S. Lewis

I am so thankful for your being.

We are all sparks of the Divine flame
Thankful Be
Grateful Be

The People Whom I Meet (11/10)



Think about the people you really meet in life – this blessing comes to mind:

Bless to me O God, the earth beneath my feet
Bless to me O God, the path on which I go
Bless to me O God, the people whom I meet
O God of Sea and Sky, bless to my life –
As it was, as it is, and as it shall be evermore.

These words below are from Marv and Nancy Hiles, folks I have known and loved for twenty-five years. Often with only one sentence they are able to open a window into your soul transmitting infinite meaning and purpose.

“Our heart’s final wish is that we do not die unaware,
like a hapless dog beside a road,
but that we die at home,
home in all that is,
home in a mystifying cosmos that,
in its own way,
plunges toward an autumn beyond imagining.”

This music seems most appropriate. Please listen with an open heart. Let the music flow through you – opening inner spaces and your memories.

I realized last night that I had missed Marv’s 80th birthday. Some of you may want to write Marv and Nancy. Their email address: “marvsam @ comcast dot net” and “nancyhiles @ comcast dot net.”

“We find our way to our center, not by raw effort, but by attending the mysterious rhythm of our breath and pulse, that same rhythm that moves the seas and stars and that accompanies the inspiration of a newborn and the expiration of a dying person.”
-Marv and Nancy Hiles

Love to you and a gentle hug – celebrate the sacrament of life.

We are all sparks of the Divine flame
Blessed Be
Boldly Be

A Response To Soul Nugget From 11/8 (11/9)

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” [1 Corinthians 3:16]

I received this response to Soul Nugget from yesterday: “Don’t take your organs to heaven, God knows we need them here.” The response is below and I thought it was appropriate that I share it with you:

“My husband died waiting for a heart and a lung transplant. I spoke for the transplant organization in Norfolk, Virginia for the years between 1997 and 2006. To help people to decide to donate, even if it is just the eyes it can help people to see. Life Net is a wonderful organization. My son-in-law’s father celebrated his transplant birthday of 14 years in September. A friend in Norfolk, VA has had 3 kidney transplants. A friend in Texas got a kidney after a 2-year wait. These people are glad to be alive. This is a topic that touches a lot of people. Please ask people to pray about it and donate. It makes a meaningful use of your body parts you no longer need. When you are in the casket, nobody knows what part of you is missing – even eyes – you can’t tell by looking.”

Music for your time of morning prayer and reflection.

Bless to me O God, the earth beneath my feet
Bless to me O God, the path on which I go
Bless to me O God, the people whom I meet
O God of Sea and Sky, bless to my life –
As it was, as it is, and as it shall be evermore.

Let your heart take courage!

We are all sparks of the Divine Flame
Blessed Be
Compassionate Be
Boldly Be

Don’t Take Your Organs To Heaven (11/8)

Better to Have and Not Need Than to Need and Not Have

These words were on a huge sign that I passed everyday on the way to school. This is a “Teach us to number our days” message. We all know that some day we shall die, so have we made all the necessary plans and arrangements?

Wills, Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney, Executors, DNR, etc. Express your wishes. Death with Dignity.

Memorial Service – It is far easier for you to express your wishes in writing, than for grieving family members to guess at what you might have wanted. Think hymns, scripture readings, poetry, special music, location, people you want to lead the service and people you want to speak and participate. Express also what you do not want! Your thoughtful planning ahead can save loved ones a lot of anguish. Put all of this in writing and give to the appropriate people. This is the thoughtful adult thing to do.

Finally, about your body. Burial? Cremation? Organ donation? My college, Miami University of Oxford, Ohio, just published an article about Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, a transplant surgeon. His words: “The real heroes are the people signing the back of their driver’s license to donate organs, and the families who make those hard decisions at the time of someone’s death.” Research all the possibilities. Make it clear exactly what you want. This is good stewardship. This is generosity. You can make a huge difference in the lives of others.

“Don’t take your organs to heaven. Heaven knows we need them here.”

Knowing that we too shall die, how then shall we live?

O Lord, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world lies hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in thy mercy grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last. Amen.

Be conscious, compassionate, courageous, celebrate life.

We are all sparks of the Divine Flame
Blessed Be
Compassionate Be
Boldly Be

Teach Us To Number Our Days (11/7)

We have the amazing gift of a new day of life

15 years = 5,475 days
5 years = 1,825 days
1 year = 365 days

The precious gift of life. Life is a depreciating asset. All of us have more money than time. Think about it. We have a last Will & Testament directing how our estate and money are to be distributed – after we die. We may give a lot of time and attention to these financial matters. Do we give as much attention to the use of our time, how we are living our life now? This text comes to mind: “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” [Psalm 90:12]

This questions from the poet, Mary Oliver, points us to this wisdom: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Let us break away from the chaos and the clutter, the amusements and the distractions of life, and come to that center point where life is sacred and ever so precious. Listen to your life. Thoreau wrote: “Nothing could be worse than to come to the end of life and discover that I had not lived.” Something to ponder in our hearts. Let us be good stewards of our finitude!

Music for morning prayer and reflection – Make today count.

“Solitude is the furnace of transformation. Without solitude, we remain victims of our society and continue to be entangled in the illusions of the false self.”
-Henri J. M. Nouwen

With you now in awakening to who we are in God and to who God is in us.

We are all sparks of the Divine flame
Blessed Be
Compassionate Be
Boldly Be