The People Whom I Meet (11/10)



Think about the people you really meet in life – this blessing comes to mind:

Bless to me O God, the earth beneath my feet
Bless to me O God, the path on which I go
Bless to me O God, the people whom I meet
O God of Sea and Sky, bless to my life –
As it was, as it is, and as it shall be evermore.

These words below are from Marv and Nancy Hiles, folks I have known and loved for twenty-five years. Often with only one sentence they are able to open a window into your soul transmitting infinite meaning and purpose.

“Our heart’s final wish is that we do not die unaware,
like a hapless dog beside a road,
but that we die at home,
home in all that is,
home in a mystifying cosmos that,
in its own way,
plunges toward an autumn beyond imagining.”

This music seems most appropriate. Please listen with an open heart. Let the music flow through you – opening inner spaces and your memories.

I realized last night that I had missed Marv’s 80th birthday. Some of you may want to write Marv and Nancy. Their email address: “marvsam @ comcast dot net” and “nancyhiles @ comcast dot net.”

“We find our way to our center, not by raw effort, but by attending the mysterious rhythm of our breath and pulse, that same rhythm that moves the seas and stars and that accompanies the inspiration of a newborn and the expiration of a dying person.”
-Marv and Nancy Hiles

Love to you and a gentle hug – celebrate the sacrament of life.

We are all sparks of the Divine flame
Blessed Be
Boldly Be